It was right over our heads-big round saucer with lots and lots of colored lights shimmering. The last thing I remember was that it just vanished in a second. Till this day I know that what I saw was real-many people never believe my story but like they say-seeing is believing-and I certainly believe! P.S. Love your sight! e-mail me at: If anyone else witnessed this sighting please contact and I will forward them to Mary A. |
So I pulled over to look at it better. I'm not sure what I saw but it was ther for about a minute then it was gone like it was a light bulb and It was shut off. There was no sign of it flying away it just shut off. The funny part of this is when I got home my son told me he was just hanging in his room playing a video game and he got up to get a new game and saw some kind of light in the sky. I asked him were it was and he pointed in the same spot I believe I saw the light and then he said it went out like as if he shut his light out in his room. I'm not sure we saw anything as a sighting but I will say it was weird that we saw the same light turn off in the sky. I'm sure you can see who I am buy the e-mail. Please responed if there has been any other talk of this sorry I have no dates. Thank You New Hampshire. |
Amboy California Sighting and Abductions
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 21:56:52 -0600 (CST)
***Warning This Message
Is Left Unedited And The Content Might Be Disturbing To Some Readers*** Subject: love your beautifull web site To: The photo section is brethtaking & was stunned by the 1 , botom right, looks llike 1 l met up with in 1991 out side amboy Ca. Aboard it were both us marines & 3 diff. species of aliens doing alot of blood work on abductee's. 1 of which told me she had been taken from her home, in front of her 3 young kids from Sacramento, a longway from Amboy. She had a fetal removal & had been shababley treated in the process by the 2 tall grey attendents. Also watched a cow being mutalated by what I Call orientals as well as seeing blood & skin taken from the abductee's. Sadest was that of a very young women laying on a table with her legs proaped up covered with only a sheet. They were , thru a tube, connected in some way to her womb & a qt .jar extracting her minstal fluids. The attn. with whom I communicated said she had been there 3 days & according to present flow rate would stay another 2. Having
till then been so absorbed & self centered in own ab. history that I failed
to see how it effects our chielden & grandchielden. These heartless
aliens refered to themselves as independent merchants & just 1(impling
there are many) unit of the garbage detail. Since then have tryed on
many ocations to bring it to the attention of researchers & the public
to no avail . Its as if there is a grand delution to be maintained by
them that our people are not in danger & tramatized . The truth must
be told, especialy with the ab. rate having risen to the point where no
one is safe from it. You may use this info. in any manner(people need
to know the danger, not only to themselves but also their loved ones)
please do not use my last name as some family members may consider it a
emberising assocition. Thanks for listening |
Georgia Sighting Date: Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 17:02:48 EST Subject: a story To: hello my name is tommy this is a true story one day i was out side my house and i was looking at the sky and i saw a bright light and then i saw a round object i saw it pass by and it vanished and then it was up again and i saw a guy hanging from the object and he said help in pain then he let go and a thing from the object said hahaha will get you i ran into the house and a green ufo was there and than he vanished it happen in georgia one day ago |
Corona California Sighting Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2001 19:50:48 EST Subject: UFOs To: I've seen one in corona,Ca. It was in the shape of a triangle. I hope you believe me no one believes me. |
Arizona Sighting Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 23:05:50 EST Subject: hello To:
hello Well, then a the other day I was
going from Raleigh to Charlotte, NC. And I seen this bright star in the
sky well this time it was in the North west part of the sky. Well, didn't
thank much about it tell the star faded out like the one I seen in AZ a
year before. I t was as bright as the other one I seen and faded in and
out just like the one in AZ did. It was to high for a tower to... But when
a plane came near this star is moved away from the plane let it go by then
moved back into the same place it was before the plane. Then one time it
faded out on one side of the sky then it faded back in on the other went
from the North west to the South west. Has any one else seen something
like this because this has been the weird thing I seen in my life. I hope
i am not the only one that's seen this bright star that fades in
Thank you |